Follow An Eastern Path To Healing
In Ayurveda, the traditional medical discipline of India, the presence of an ulcer indicates an imbalance of pitta. Pitta is one of three basic qualities, or doshas, that determine an individual's constitutional body type. It is recommended following a diet that pacifies pitta. That means cutting down on foods with salty, sour, or pungent tastes as well as foods that are fermented or fried.
Choose Ulcer-Friendly Fare
Certain foods can aggravate your symptoms. So until your ulcer has healed. If some food bothers you, avoid it. The usual suspects include spicy cuisine, coffee, and citrus juices. Also, forget about traditional ulcer remedies such as bland foods and milk. They were never really effective, and now they have fallen out of favor.
Say No To NSAIDs
Between 15 to 20 percent of people who regularly take NSAIDs have ulcers. That is about 20 times the rate in the general population. If you are taking an NSAID such as aspirin or ibuprofen, it is recommended sticking with the lowest possible dose at which the medication is still effective. Or ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend a substitute.
Eat Earlier
Ulcer patients often wake up in the middle of the night with gnawing pain in their guts. What really happens is the secretion of stomach acid during the night can be reduced by eating dinner earlier in the evening. Less acid secretion should mean less ulcer pain overnight and perhaps faster healing.
Favor Fiber
Increasing your intake of dietary fiber with foods such as whole grains and vegetables may help prevent the recurrence of ulcers. There is no evidence that fiber can promote the healing of an existing ulcer.
Go Sour On Sweets
You may want to cut back on your consumption of sugar. The more refined sugar in your diet, the greater your risk of developing an ulcer, probably because sugar stimulates the secretion of stomach acid.
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