While the quantum of rest of your meals can often be subject to debate but the quantum & quality of your breakfast still remains the same. It needs to be healthy and filling.
If you consider that when we wake up in the morning, for the majority of us, our body and brain has been without food for around 10 hours. In the morning, after many hours without food, it is essential to refuel in order to provide the necessary nutrients and energy to get us through the first part of the day.
Lets have a keen look at a few tips and the importance of a healthy breakfast:
1. Our body needs a healthy breakfast packed full of vitamins and nutrients while also providing energy and fuel for the brain.
2. The best types of foods to be eaten at breakfast are complex carbohydrates such as whole grains including oats, rye bread and millet together with a small amount of dried fruit and freshly squeezed juice.
3. The best types of foods to be eaten at breakfast are complex carbohydrates such as whole grains including oats, rye bread and millet together with a small amount of dried fruit and freshly squeezed juice. These foods have a low GI (glycaemic index), which means that they release glucose steadily and slowly into the bloodstream, unlike the unhealthier breakfast choices mentioned earlier. Consequently, these foods will keep you fuller for longer, prevent unhealthy snacking, keep energy levels steady without dipping and provide you with essential vitamins and minerals that may be missed at other meals.
4. Many people like to consume some form of protein in the morning, as protein balances blood sugar levels and recent studies have also proven that concentration levels are enhanced if some form of protein in consumed during the breakfast meal.
5. Studies show that people who eat breakfast in the morning perform better at work. It is proven that with breakfast, concentration and memory improve, mental performance and problem-solving ability is better and learning ability is increased.
6. Not only this but studies generally prove that most people who eat breakfast manage their weight better, are not obese or overweight, have lower levels of cholesterol, which means they are less likely to suffer from heart disease and are generally in better health overall, not to mention in better mood.
Common Foods you should avoid in Breakfast:
1. Donut & Pastries: Eating a donut or other pastry for breakfast results in a high blood sugar spike. The blood sugar spike may give you a burst of energy, but it will quickly wear off, leaving you hungry and lacking energy.
2. Frozen Sandwiches: Frozen breakfast sandwiches are quick and convenient, but they are often high in saturated fat and sodium, which may leave you feeling sluggish.
3. Bacon,Ham & Sausage: These are processed meats, which means that they are high in fat and sodium. In the long run, consuming these foods regularly can lead to heart problems.
A ‘promising’ breakfast is most certainly one of the many key elements for a ‘promising’ start of the day. Don’t skip it. Your breakfast might be more important than you think J
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