Saturday, September 21, 2013

Household Hazards…

1. Kitchen Sponges
The sad truth is that unless you’re diligent about sanitizing them often, kitchen sponges often carry more germs than toilet seats. According to a survey, sponges can harbor more than 100,000 bacteria, including food-borne diseases that you’ve wiped off the counter. You should (very regularly) toss them in the dishwasher, replace them, or zap them in the microwave for two minutes.
2. Dirty Air Ducts
The need to clean air ducts may not be as obvious as the need to clean your bathroom, but it is at least as important. Dirty air ducts contain dust, pollen, bacteria, and even mold, and the contaminated air is recycled and circulated throughout your home, day after day.
3. Rats
Let’s face it–even the fanciest houses have gone to war with rats. Rats don’t seem to discriminate, and we’re all at risk for their bone-chilling presence. Not only can they eat through electrical wires in attics and cause fires, they are carriers of parasites and diseases, including tuberculosis, salmonella, Weil’s disease, and E.coli.
4. Cockroaches
While we’re talking about creepy crawlers, we can’t forget cockroaches, which love warm and humid locales. They carry a range of bacteria, including salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus.
5. Aluminum Cookware
According to medical study, aluminum found in pots and pans can leach into your food, and when ingested, can damage your kidneys and liver, and weaken your bones. A growing number of researchers say the metal could cause Alzheimer’s disease. Glass, cast iron, stainless steel, and porcelain cookware are good alternatives to aluminum.
6. Fluorescent light
Fluorescent light bulbs will make you feel drained. They contain a toxic gas known as mercury vapor. Instead try purchasing regular incandescent light bulbs.
7. Electrical appliances
Electrical appliances create EMFs (electromagnetic fields) which are similar to those found under power lines that were linked to cancer clusters. Make sure you unplug your appliances when they are not being used.
8. Take your shoes off
Take your shoes off before entering your home. We walk around unwittingly in car oil, pesticides, animal waste and toxins.

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