Saturday, September 28, 2013

Interesting Equations

Equation 1

Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy

Donkey = eat + sleep


Human = Donkey + Work + enjoy


Human-enjoy = Donkey + Work

In other words,

A Human that doesn't know how to enjoy = Donkey that works.

++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ ++ ++
Equation 2

Man = eat + sleep + earn money

Donkey = eat + sleep


Man = Donkey + earn money


Man-earn money = Donkey

In other words

Man who doesn't earn money = Donkey

++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +
Equation 3

Woman= eat + sleep + spend

Donkey = eat + sleep


Woman = Donkey + spend

Woman - spend = Donkey

In other words,

Woman who doesn't spend = Donkey

++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +

To Conclude:

From Equation 2 and Equation 3

Man who doesn't earn money = Woman who doesn't spend

So Man earns money not to let woman become a donkey!

And a woman spends not to let the man become a donkey!

So, We have:

Man + Woman = Donkey + earn money + Donkey + Spend money

Therefore from postulates 1 and 2, we can conclude

Man + Woman = 2 Donkeys that live happily together!

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The Many Wonders of the Neem Tree

  • The Neem tree is a fast growing evergreen that is native to Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and myanmar. This amazing tree is claimed to treat forty different diseases. All the parts of the tree is used for treating illness, the leaves, fruit, seeds and even the bark all contain medicinal properties.
  • The use of neem as a medicinal herb dates back over 5,000 years. Today it’s benefits have been proven by scientific research and clinical trials. And, although few of us have access to a neem tree, it can be purchased in the form of oil, powder and pills.
  • To give you an idea of the healing powers of the neem tree, here are a few names that the people of India have given it, “Divine Tree”, “Village Pharmacy”, “Heal All” and “Nature’s Drugstore”. With the almost ending list of uses for neem, I think it could be called, ” The Tree of Life”!
  • In treating diabetes, neem has been found to actually reduce the insulin requirements by as much as 50% without altering the blood glucose levels. Take 3 to 5 drops internally each day.
  • Neem cleanses the blood, stimulates antibody protection and strengthens the immune system which improves the bodies resistance to many diseases.
  • Used as a mouth wash it treats infections, mouth ulcers, bleeding sore gums and will even help prevent tooth decay!
  • For pink eye the juice of neem leaves can be used as eye drops, warm 5-10 ml and apply several drops.
  • To treat jaundice, mix 30 ml of neem juice with 15 ml of honey, take on an empty stomach for seven days.
  • If you suffer from burning sensations and excessive sweating, add 5 to 10 drops of neem oil in a glass of milk before going to bed.
  • Proclaimed the best product available in treating psoriasis, 2 capsules should be taken three times daily after meals with a glass of water.
  • Another way to treat psoriasis as well as eczema, skin ulcers, fungal conditions, cold sores and athletes foot, is to mix 1 tablespoon neem oil and 4 ounces of olive oil. This should be applied at least twice daily to the affected areas.
  • For acne problems take 2 capsules twice daily, you will start to see results within a few days.
  • To remove moles and warts, one drop of undiluted neem oil should be directly to the mole or wart and then covered with a small bandage. The procedure should be repeated daily using fresh oil and clean bandage.
  • For sinusitis, plain pure neem oil can be used as nasal drops. Use tow drops twice daily, morning and evening.
  • For athletes foot, soak feet in warm water with 15 ml of neem oil.
  • Neem oil will quickly stop earaches, just warm some oil and apply a few drops into the ear.
  • For hemorrhoids, apply some neem oil to a cotton ball and gently rub for about a week. If preferred a paste can be made by adding a small amount of olive oil or Aloe Vera oil until desired consistency is reached.
  • To prevent hair loss and enhance growth, mix a few drops of neem oil with coconut or olive oil and massage into scalp. This will even prevent your hair from graying!
  • Neem oil can be applied to cuts and abrasions to help them heal quickly. Neem increases blood flow which aids in creating the collagen fibers that helps the wounds to close.
  • As a treatment for burns and even sunburn, neem oil can kill the bacteria, reduce the pain and stimulate the immune system. By stimulating the immune system it speeds up the healing process and there is less scarring.
  • To kill head lice, neem oil should be massaged into the scalp and left on over night. Shampoo your hair as usual the next morning.
  • Neem detoxifies the body and helps maintain healthy circulatory systems, digestive and respiratory systems and helps to keep the urinary tract free of infections.
  • Scientific evidence has shown that neem is valuable in boosting the bodies immune system. A healthier immune system helps your body in fighting off many illness and diseases.
  • Laboratory studies have proven neem to be effective in treating the symptoms of food poisoning associated with both salmonella and staphylococcus. Neem extracts kill the salmonella bacteria and flush it out of your system, reducing the severity and length of the ailment.
  • A neem paste applied directly to the sores caused by chicken pox, will relieve the itching and reduce scarring.
  • Neem tea drank once or twice weekly can even help prevent colds. If you already have the symptoms associated with a cold they can be lessened by drinking neem tea three times a day. It will help alleviate the fever, cough, aches and pains, sore throat, fatigue and nasal congestion.
  • Neem also contains powerful anti-fungal properties that have been shown to aide in the treatment of athletes foot, yeast infections, thrush and even ringworm.
  • In it’s use of treating hepatitis, 80% of test subjects showed a significant improvement. The neem extract can actually block the infection that causes this virus.
  • Drinking neem tea during an outbreak of influenza will help alleviate some of the symptoms and speed up the recovery time. Neem has an amazing ability to literally surround viruses and prevent them from even infecting the cells.
  • Use of a neem based powder for jock itch will reduce the itching, dry the area and kill the fungus. For severe cases a neem lotion may be more effective.
  • The length and severity of an outbreak of mononucleosis can be decreased by drinking neem tea twice a day for two weeks.
  • For shingles, neem cream should be applied to the affected area at least three times per day. Severe cases should also be treated with neem tea after each meal, but tea should not be consumed for more than two weeks at a time.
  • Thrush can be effectively treated with neem tea, it will reduce the inflammation, reduce the pain and speed healing. Children under the age of 12 should not drink neem tea, for children this young it should only be used to gargle.
  • Secondary bacterial infections in the nasal passages and respiratory system can be decreased by inhaling steam from boiling the leaves.
  • In a recent study neem was shown to lower cholesterol levels when taken for a month in either the capsule form or the extract.
  • Scientific studies have proven that neem will reduce blood clots, heart irregularities and even reduce blood pressure. Results can be seen within one month on a regimen of extract or capsules.
  • Neem will increase the bodies production of T-cells, which will attack infections.
  • The use of neem oil on the skin is known to actually rejuvenate the skin, it also promotes collagen and will work in the treatment of many skin conditions including acne. Acne can be cleared up with a few day by taking two neem capsules twice daily.
  • It is reported that neem will help in fighting chronic fatigue.
  • For headaches neem powder should be applied to the forehead, neem oil should also work in combating headaches when used the same way.
  • The inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints associated with arthritis can be greatly relieved with the use of neem. Neem changes the immune systems response to arthritis and can halt the progress of this disease.
  • For centuries neem has been used to reduce tumors. Clinical research has shown remarkable effects in the reduction of tumors and cancers and also in treating leukemia.
  • Neem is highly effective in treating gastritis, indigestion and heartburn.
  • Blood disorders such as blood poisoning, kidney problems and poor circulation have been benefited by the use of neem.
  • With all of the countless medicinal benefits that are already provided with the use of neem, it is also being studied very closely for a treatment for AIDS, cancer, allergies, diabetes and both male and female forms of birth control!
  • Neem oil should be stored in a cool dark place, if the oil solidifies it can be placed in warm water to bring back to liquid form.

AMLA / Gooseberry Benefits

Nutrition Data
One cup of gooseberries will add just 66 calories to your diet. Besides the low calories, gooseberries offer the nutritious benefit of no fat, no cholesterol and low sodium. Traditional gooseberries require a specific taste for acidic tartness, but newer varieties have been cultivated to make them sweeter and more suitable for consuming as a raw snack.
Vitamin C
Raw gooseberries are packed with vitamin C. A cup of gooseberries will give you nearly three-fourths the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Cooking gooseberries results in significant loss of this nutrient, and canned gooseberries can lose as much as half their vitamin C content. A diet that includes raw gooseberries can exploit the abilities of vitamin C to offer protection to cells against damage inflicted by cancer-causing molecules called free radicals, according to
Bioflavonoids are natural pigments categorized collectively under the name vitamin P. Many of the bioflavonoids have antioxidant properties, such as vitamin C protecting against cancer damage. Bioflavonoids also help maintain the permeability of capillaries so that nutrients can pass through blood vessels more freely.
Gooseberries by the cup contains a quarter of all the dietary fiber you need during a day. Fiber from gooseberries can assist in lowering your cholesterol levels. One potential benefit of the elevated levels of fiber in gooseberries is that it expands inside your stomach, giving you a full feeling that might help you avoid eating unhealthy foods.
A cup of gooseberries gives you nearly 10 percent of the recommended daily allowance of potassium. The benefits gained from a steady diet of gooseberries courtesy of potassium includes promoting a regular heartbeat, maintaining the balance of water in the cells and tissues of the body, and offering protection against high blood pressure.
Make Gooseberries ‘Part of Your 5 A Day Plan’
* Cook with apples or ginger to make a distinctive dessert
* Try drying the fruit to make a tasty treat 
* Add gooseberries to your favorite salad

* Introduce it to others by using it as a garnish

* Make it into jam

The Mysterious King

Once, there was a Kingdom with a mysterious rule for the King, who rules the Kingdom. The rule is “The King can rule the kingdom only for five years. On successful completion of his term, he’ll be left alone, in the inhabitable Forest, filled with wild animals that exist beside the Kingdom.  Those who go there will surely die as a prey to wild animals.
The First king ruled the Kingdom for five years. Each day the King feared about the day he would be left alone in the forest to die. His fear of death had made him an inefficient King and he was not able to concentrate on ruling. After completing his term, he was carried away by his servants and was left alone in the forest.
The Second king came to rule. He was so scared because he saw the fate of him right in front of his eyes, when the First king was leaving. He ruled the Kingdom only for three years. He died on the third year because of the fear and the stress.
The third king took over the kingdom. He was ruling happily and efficiently from the first day he became the king. The People were so happy during his period. He was never worried about what was about to come. He enjoyed every day of his life. His term was about to complete within a few days. The people were so sad that they are going to miss a good King. But the King never seemed to worry about the same. The day came and the King was about to leave the kingdom. Huge crowd was standing to send him off. The King waved his hand to the people and went happily.
One of his ministers asked him, “King, are you not afraid about your future?”
The King smiled and replied,” There is no reason to be afraid. On the First year of my term, when we fought with our neighboring kingdom, I asked all the slaves who lost to us, to go to the Forest and rehabilitate it. On the Second year of my term, I helped them to form a civilization there. On the third year of my term, I’ve asked the people over there to kill all the wild animals. On the fourth year of my term, I’ve taught the People how to cultivate, trade, learn. On the fifth year of my term, I’ve built a huge Palace over there and have created a Kingdom over there. Now my Job is to go there and be a King there too.”
Moral: If we need to achieve a goal, we need to Plan and divide the Goal into a set of Short term goals and make sure we are on track to achieve the big one. But we always see the big picture and demotivate us that it is not achievable.Rather than spending time in worrying about the future, we need to spend time to Plan and make a change. We have free will and our life is in the way we live. If we have a Positive attitude towards our future, we will surely be great in the future.

The Sculpting Competition

Long ago, in a distant land, there lived two sculptors named Seb and Matthias. One day they each received a Royal proclamation inviting them to take part in a sculpting competition to be held at the Royal Gardens.
Both Seb and Matthias were extremely excited by this opportunity and immediately started preparing for the seven day journey.
Seb set out on a bright Monday morning with his chisels and hammers packed in the back of his horse-drawn cart. At the end of his first day of traveling, he made camp in a clearing by the side of the road. After a simple meal, Seb noticed a large rock on the edge of the clearing and decided to get in some practice for the upcoming sculpting competition.
He took out his tools and began to chisel away at the rock. Several hours later, Seb stood back to look at his sculpture. It was a statue of the Princess Rebecca, but while he was reasonably happy with his attempt, Seb realized that the statue’s hands were too big. He made a mental note to be careful of this in the future and went to sleep.
The next morning, Seb continued on his way leaving his statue of Princess Rebecca by the side of the clearing. At the end of his second day, Seb found another rock to practice on and created another sculpture of the Princess. This time he got her hands right but made her legs too short. He made a mental note on how to improve next time and moved on.
Seb continued this pattern throughout his journey. Each night he found a rock to practice on, created a sculpture of Princess Rebecca, made note on how he could improve and then moved on the following morning leaving the sculpture where he created it.
By the time Seb reached the Royal Gardens he had made seven practice sculptures that were each a little bit better than the one before. On the day of the competition, Seb created his best sculpture ever and to his delight, he was awarded the coveted ‘Golden Hammer’ award which was presented by Princess Rebecca herself.
Now you may be wondering what happened to the other sculptor, Matthias, so let me tell you his side of the story…
Matthias also set out on the seven day journey to the Royal Gardens to compete in the sculpting competition. Like Seb, Matthias made camp on the first night and found a large rock to practice on. He too created a statue of the Princess Rebecca but found that he made her feet too big. Matthias was angry at himself for making this mistake and the next morning he heaved the statue onto the back of his cart so that he could study his mistake later.
At the end of his second day of traveling, Matthias found another rock to practice on and created another statue. This time he forgot to include the princesses head dress and he became furious at his mistake. The next morning, he heaved the statue onto the back of his cart and continued slowly on his journey.
Each night Matthias repeated this same pattern. He created a statue, became angry with himself when he made a mistake and then loaded the statue onto his cart before moving on.
On the seventh day, Matthias woke up early and prepared for the final leg of his journey, but when he prompted his horse to get underway, the poor animal strained at his harness but could not move an inch. Matthias jumped down from his seat and went to the back of his cart.
There he found all seven practice statues of the Princess Rebecca which were weighing the cart down and making it impossible to move. Matthias complained bitterly as he looked over the statues in detail – too big, too short, too tall…the list of mistakes went on and on. The unhappy sculptor sat down on a tree stump and continued to stare at his statues for hours, and as a result, he never made it to the Royal Gardens to compete in the competition.
This simple story illustrates an important lesson that can often be the difference between success and failure. The statues in the story represent the mistakes that we all make in life. The difference between Seb and Matthias was the way in which they responded to their mistakes.
When Seb made a practice statue he made a mental note of any problems and then he left his mistake where he made it and continued on his journey. As a result, he gradually developed his skills and eventually achieved his ultimate objective.
Matthias on the other hand approached his mistakes in a different fashion. Each time he made a statue, he loaded it onto his cart and took it with him. Each day his cart became heavier and heavier until eventually it would not move at all. Instead of leaving his mistakes where he made them, Matthias carried the weight of his mistakes with him and the weight of these past mistakes eventually prevented him from reaching his real objective.
Moral: On your journey to success, understand that we too will make mistakes. Some small, some big. Each time you make a mistake you have a choice. We can either learn from your mistake or move on or you can carry our mistake with us. The danger in harboring regret and continually analyzing your past mistakes is that, we can eventually get stuck and can jeopardize the achievements that are waiting for you in your future.


A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.”
The Lord led the holy man to two doors.
He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.
The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.
The Lord said, "You have seen Hell."
They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking.
The holy man said, "I don't understand"." 

It is simple said the Lord, "it requires only one skill. You see, they have learned to feed each other. While the greedy think only of them."
Its people's attitude that makes our life or even place of work, a hell or heaven to them. ’Help and Seek Help' this makes all the difference to each individual's life and makes our lives hell or otherwise

Hope that makes a BIG change in YOU

The Professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see & asked the students “How much do you think this glass weighs?”
’50gms!’….. ’100gms!’ …..’125 gms’ …the students answered. “I really don’t know unless I weigh it,” said the professor, “but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes? ‘Nothing’ …..the students said.
Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?’ the professor asked. ‘Your arm would begin to ache’ said one of the student
“You’re right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?” “Your arm could go numb; you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis & have to go to hospital for sure!”
….. Ventured another student & all the students laughed  “Very good.  But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?” Asked the professor.

No’ Was the answer. “Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?”
The students were puzzled. “What should I do now to come out of pain?” asked professor again. “Put the glass down!” said one of the students

“Exactly!” said the professor. Life’s problems are something like this. Hold it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK. Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache.

.Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything. It’s important to think of the challenges or problems in your life,  But EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is to ‘PUT THEM DOWN’ at the end of every day before you go to sleep…

That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh &strong & can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!
Moral:  So, when you start your day today, Remember always to ‘PUT THE GLASS DOWN TODAY! ‘

A scene in 2030 !!

Operator: Hello Domino’s!
Customer: Hello, can you please take my order?
Operator: Can I have your multi purpose Aadhar card number first, Sir?
Customer: Yeah! Hold on….. My number is 889861356102049998-45-54610
Operator: OK… you’re… Mr Singh and you’re calling from 17 Jalan Kayu. Your home number is 40942366, your office 76452302 and your mobile is 0142662566. You are calling from you home number now.
Customer: (Astonished) How did you get all my phone numbers?
Operator: We are connected to the system, Sir.
Customer: I wish to order your Seafood Pizza…
Operator: That’s not a good idea Sir.
Customer: How come?
Operator: According to your medical records, you have high blood pressure and even higher cholesterol level, sir.
Customer: What?… What do you recommend then?
Operator: Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You’ll like it.
Customer: How do you know for sure?
Operator: You borrowed a book titled ‘Popular Hokkien Dishes’ from the National Library last week, sir.
Customer: OK I give up… Give me three family size ones then.
Operator: That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The total is Rs. 2,450.
Customer: Can I pay by credit card?
Operator: I’m afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit card is over the limit and you owe your bank Rs. 1,51,758 since October last year. That’s not including the late payment charges on your housing loan, Sir.
Customer: I guess I have to run to the neighbourhood ATM and withdraw some cash before your guy arrives.
Operator: You can’t Sir. Based on the records, you’ve exhausted even your overdraft limit.
Customer: Never mind just send the pizzas, I’ll have the cash ready. How long is it gonna take anyway?
Operator: About 45 minutes Sir, but if you can’t wait you can always come and collect it on your motorcycle.
Customer: What?
Operator: According to the details in the system , you own a motorcycle registration number 1123.
Customer: “????” (hmmm.. these guys know my motorcyle number too!)
Operator: Is there anything else, sir?
Customer: Nothing.! .. by the way… aren’t you giving me that 3 free bottles of cola as advertised?
Operator: We normally would sir, but based on your records, you’re also diabetic… In the best interest of your health, we are holding this offer for you.
Customer: (now pissed) ***%&$%%### You $##$%%@!)))
Operator: Better mind your language sir. Remember on 15th July 2007 you were imprisoned for 2 months and fined Rs.5,000 for using abusive language against a policeman…?
Customer faints…